Life Recovery Training Program: Mentor Certificate

Price: $299.00

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The Indiana Wesleyan University/Talent Ladder has partnered with Life Recovery to offer three levels of training in recovery from a biblical perspective. This is the first course in the Life Recovery Training Program. You must complete this course before taking the pastor or mentor training program.

Life Recovery Mentor: This 30-hour level of study is designed to help anyone wanting a greater understanding of the biblical basis for the 12 steps and what each step requires. Misconceptions and misunderstandings about 12 step recovery are also covered It is for someone in recovery or someone with a family member in recovery. A counselor, coach or therapist wanting greater insight into how to help those in recovery would benefit from this level of study, however the entire 90-hour course is designed for those professionals.


  • Introduction to Life Recovery
  • Steps of Life Recovery
  • Take Your Life Back
  • Enabling and Codependcy
  • Recovery Planning and Relaspe Prevention
  • Life Recovery Leadership


  • Completely Online
  • Independent Learning
  • Access to the Life Recovery Training Program: Mentor Certificate
  • Certificate of Completion upon successful finish


Immediate access!